Montco graduate keeps connected through 校友 Board 董事的

文/ Courtney H. Diener-Stokes
蒙哥马利县社区学院 graduate David Aston '17 gives back by serving 冰球突破豪华版校友会的成员. 作为一名学生,阿斯顿开始了自己的广播节目, "Debatable 新闻," on Montco Radio, 学生开办的数字广播电台. 图片由大卫·阿斯顿提供

蒙哥马利县社区学院 graduate David Aston '17 gives back by serving 冰球突破豪华版校友会的成员. 作为一名学生,阿斯顿开始了自己的广播节目, “有争议的新闻,的节目, 学生开办的数字广播电台. 照片礼貌 大卫·阿斯顿

If you have been a long-time listener of 蒙哥马利县社区学院’s digital, student-run radio station, Montco Radio, you might be familiar with the voice of Dave Aston, a 2017 MCCC graduate who started the radio show “Debatable 新闻” that ran from 2015 to 2017 and covered topics from social events and politics to the Oscars.

More recently, Aston has found various ways to keep his ties with MCCC after graduation 在电台之外. Since 2018, he has been a member of MCCC’s 校友 Board 董事的.

“Because of what the professors did and the camaraderie with everyone I had engaged with, and the family aspect of Montco, I was willing to give back of anything that 我可以,”他说. “Money wasn’t on the list, so I give my ideas, perspective and time.”

When he reflects to his days as an MCCC student, it was the school’s radio station where he contributed his ideas and wore many hats as a producer, creator, director, 脚本编写者和协调者.

冰球突破豪华版校友大卫·阿斯顿“The station is student-run with academic advisors,” Aston said, of the 蒙哥无线电俱乐部 station that still exists and is streamed through

Other involvements during his five-year part-time period of studies 在MCCC include his first foray into journalism when he started working on the Montgazette, MCCC学生之声,2014年.

“I stepped in initially as the editor of the paper because the previous team had all 毕业了,”他说. “我不得不直接介入.”


给n his age of 33 when he began taking classes at Montco to get an associate degree in digital audio production, now tied into the school’s Sound Recording and Music Technology (SRT) program, Aston was not initially planning to get involved with activities with the college 超出他的研究范围.

“You go in, you are swamped by people who are younger than you, and you feel like 你不是他们这一代的人。.

It was his professors who, over time, helped him feel supported instead of fearful.

“The professors helped me understand the perspective, how learning had changed, how 技术已经改变了学习的方式。.

Aston added that his professors easily handled the multiple age ranges of students 在MCCC.

“They gave you the understanding that things are going to continue to change and adapt, and you’re going to have to learn to live with that change and adaptation,” 他说.

As they were guiding Aston through the changes, he began taking the initiative to 追求他的兴趣.

“It was extremely positive and that is where the two streets merged,” 他说.

冰球突破豪华版校友大卫·阿斯顿Initially the road that led Aston to acquire his associate degree 在MCCC was one 这是坎坷和缺乏满足感.

“I decided to stop messing round, get a degree and increase my skill set and stop bouncing around from one retailer to the next just to pay my bills,” 他说.

He typically worked at technology-based retailers given his interest in the field, but his limited income and funds led him to choose the part-time route 在MCCC.


After five years 在MCCC, Aston graduated and decided to continue with his education 他是西切斯特大学的教授 mcc合作学校, to pursue a bachelor's degree in media and culture. 他的目标是扩大生产 步入学术轨道.

“I wanted more knowledge, and I knew it would open up avenues for better employment,” 他说. “I also wanted to gain an extra skill set of how to do research for other 媒体以外的领域.”

His ultimate goal of broadcast radio inspired Aston’s educational track that began 在MCCC. After graduating, he continued hosting shows on Montco Radio.

“I was grateful they allow alumni to come back and broadcast,” 他说. “我们有更多 than half a dozen alumni broadcasting now on Montco Radio.”

After graduating from West Chester University in May 2022, Aston said his initial goal has morphed and changed as the business end of the industry as well as technology 已经改变了.

“It’s still a dream, but it’s not my goal,” 他说, referring to broadcast radio. “The ultimate objective is to become a professional podcaster and find any traditional 媒体的工作就是平衡这一点.”


“这是一本深入宣传的书,”他说. “这是一个多年的项目.”

He looks forward to being a part of the next alumni broadcast event typically hosted ccc每年.

“I have participated in almost all Montco Radio fundraisers and special events, including the famous 校友 Broadcast which we've sorely missed the last few years due to that 让一切都瘫痪的病毒.”